Bucks Management Team

General Manager

Brad Dickison, Owner/GM

Brad has been involved with the Bucks since the team’s inaugural season in 2011 and took over as general manager in 2012. He oversees the operations of the franchise and works with sponsors to maximize their return on investment. Brad is a Brookhaven resident, five-time champion of the Brookhaven Chili Cookoff and all-around good guy.

Melanie Davis, Operations

Melanie joins the Bucks this season. She takes care of the gameday operations, making sure the that Bucks home games the best event in town.

Brad Wilson

When you attend Bucks home games at Oglethorpe University, you'll hear Brad's voice throughout the game - telling you who is batting, running trivia contests, thanking our great sponsors and much more!

Game Day Operations Staff:

We are hiring! Learn more about employment with the Brookhaven Bucks.